ASTR 211

These materials are from a course which I taught the programming/observing portions of at Wesleyan University. Upon review, there are a fair number of typos and small (mostly aesthetic) errors, but nothing which the clever reader can’t work around. I plan to update these tutorials and release them on a separate page in the future, and I will update this page when I do.

Welcome to the webpage for the lab section of ASTR 211 for Spring 2021. Here you’ll find some helpful resources and lab materials. I’ll be updating the page often, so be sure to check back before lab each week.

Class materials

Lab 1 (Feb. 17)Lab 2 (Feb. 24)
Intro to Unix handoutTutorial 2.1: Conditionals & Loops
Tutorial 1.1: Python BasicsTutorial 2.2: Functions
Tutorial 1.2: Strings, Lists & Arrays (numpy)Tutorial 2.3: Plotting Basics (matplotlib)
Lab 1 Exercises notebookLab 2 Exercises notebook
Lab 1 recordingLab 2 recording
Lab 1 Exercises solutionsLab 2 Exercises solutions
Lab 3 (Mar. 3)Lab 4 (Mar. 10)
Tutorial 3.1: More PlottingTutorial 4.1: Astronomical Image Processing
Tutorial 3.2: Reading & Writing Data (pandas)Processing pipeline example code
Tutorial 3.3 (Bonus): Advanced PlottingProcessing pipeline example data
Lab 3 Exercises notebookNotes on array math for image processing
CSV for Lab 3 ExercisesLab 4 recording
Lab 3 recording 
Lab 3 Exercises solutions 
Lab 5 (Mar. 31)
Tutorial 5.1: TBD

Observing materials

24” Training
24” PlaneWave telescope manual (early draft)
24” PlaneWave telescope startup/shutdown checklist
24” PlaneWave telescope training recording (Part 1)
24” PlaneWave telescope training recording (Part 2)


PythonSoftware & DocumentationMisc
Python for AstronomersAnacondaIntro to Unix
Think PythonAtomSDSS SQL Tutorial
Python Data Science HandbookSpyderIntro to Git & GitHub
Python Graph Gallery Markdown Guide