Professional Work
A brief description of my work outside of academia.
Systems Engineer @ Space Telescope Science Institute; Certification, Integration and Test Engineering Branch (CITEB) (August 2021 - Present)
As a Systems Engineer in CITEB, my work focuses on verifying software requirements and testing mission-critical components for both the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the Roman Space Telescope (RST).
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
On JWST, I am the secondary lead for the Data Management Subsystem (DMS), which manages data processing and distribution for the telescope. I also work on the Wavefront Sensing and Control Software Subsystem (WSS), which manages the telescope’s mirrors. On Webb, my primary roles are in regression testing these subsystems with each new build of the software and supporting end-to-end testing and validation of the Science Operations Center (SOC).
Roman Space Telescope (RST)
On RST, I am the secondary lead for the Data Management Subsystem (DMS), which manages data processing and distribution for the telescope. On Roman, my primary roles are in regression testing the DMS with each new build of the software and writing & executing test procedures to verify software requirements.
In addition to the roles mentioned above, I am the lead for the CITEB Automation Project, an initiative which aims to automate as much of our frequently-repeated work as possible. At this time, I am focusing on regression test automation for both Webb DMS and Roman DMS.