A brief outline of my teaching experience.
- Astrophysics teaching assistant, Summer Science Program (June 2021 - July 2021)
- Aided in facilitating lecture activities and group problem-solving sessions
- Graded homework, Python code, and student submissions to the Minor Planet Association for ~30 students
@ Wesleyan University
- Coding instructor & TA, ASTR 211: Observational Astronomy (Spring 2021)
- Developed a Python programming curriculum designed to teach techniques for observational astronomy & data science
- Created tutorials, exercises, and homework problems for students
- Taught weekly Zoom “lab sessions”
- Held weekly office hours for programming-related issues
- Graded coding-related homework problems
- Course assistant, ASTR 155: Introduction to Astrophysics (Fall 2020)
- Aided in facilitating group problem-solving sessions during lecture
- Held weekly office hours
- Graded exams
- Teaching assistant, ASTR 107: The Universe (Fall 2019)
- Conducted weekly homework help sessions for students
- Led laboratory exercises in class
- Graded labs & weekly homework for 50 students